Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Being geeky

I've realised that most people upon meeting me don't realise just how geeky I can actually be. I am just as strange as most computer scientists, I just happen to be female, there are no rules that say they are mutually exclusive.

This is not a new revelation but I was reminded of it today when I got frustrated formatting LaTeX tables and wrote a script to take in a CSV and format it into a nice standard LaTeX table. I consider this a highly practical approach, the fact that the solution is super geeky is incidental.

On the subject of LaTeX, I'm keen to try a recent discovery on Sourceforge: Track Changes for LaTeX which might solve advisor communication feedback issues. Another useful link is a LaTeX equation builder that generates the code for you


alapan said...

Actually I found the commenting functionality in Adobe PDF to be quite good for commenting back - although not necessarily tracking changes. The main factor in this discussion is obviously who is making comments - not all supervisors can use LaTeX :)

Elisabeth said...

You should geek-pimp your blog with some nice target='blank's too ;)